Monday, November 20, 2006

Horoscope for Wednesday, November 22 2006

Aries (born March 21 - April 19)
This is a great day to be with others and to work together. Discovering what you truly believe in--fighting for it, even--is a high personal priority now. Religion, law, politics, travel and higher education are some of the arenas where this takes place. Pressure, whether it is outside your control or motivated from your own expectations will be much more acceptable today with a sprinkle of humor. This just may be a time of testing your limits to see how far you can go. However, you can’t control everything around you--so don’t even try. There is an emphasis on close relationships this evening. Fairness and harmony are part and parcel of the mental cycle you have just begun. Romance is an outlet for much of your energy.

TAURUS (born April 20 - May 20)
This is a period of great mental activity and heightened communication with others. You may even find yourself in control of some situation that may seem to be more than you can handle. Intellectualism, the exchange of ideas, the idea of being smart as a fox all have special appeal and importance so you want to continue your activity. When you are faced with self-doubt . . . sit down, plant your feet flat on the ground and your hands relaxed on each knee. Close your eyes and say to yourself that you can accomplish what is set before you as easily as wiggling your little finger. Then wiggle your little finger. As you are facing your challenge . . . wiggle your little finger. Stress relief this evening may encompass the entertainment of a friend.

GEMINI (born May 21 - June 21)
While you and your mate struggle with the pressures of adulthood, the young ones in your family may dream of it. This sort of scenario may be what you talk about with your friends at the lunch hour today. Much laughter and a few tears may keep the discussions of the afternoon a memory for a lifetime. You may find yourself helping others with projects in the work place. Pressure situations help you to grow. Feedback from higher ups is most gratifying. You are able to cut through the red tape and get at the facts. This is a time of much energy and drive, perfect for starting something out or taking care of business--very physical too. Joint investments are lucky at this time. Exercise or romance is in order this evening.

CANCER (born June 22 - July 22)
This could be a frustrating day that seems to go against the normal flow of progress. Choosing wisely may mean much forethought. Be very careful in making any sort of decision today. Of all times . . . this particular time will force you to become a bit more relaxed with regard to your timing demands on yourself. Things are happening, and your career, or path depends upon your own ambition and drive. Consider your options and call upon your good common sense. This afternoon you will have an opportunity to encourage young people in their own personal decision-making abilities. Support a young person’s good judgment. This evening is as good time for surrounding yourself with friends and for having a good time.

LEO (born July 23 - August 22)
Someone may challenge your good taste today. If you have the power, you can appreciate their opinion and move forward. If they have the power, you may want to respond in ways that show you could continue your research. However you respond, make sure you are moving forward, not backward--especially by becoming lost in emotional disruptions. Keep in mind that if things go your way, you will want to avoid editorializing or saying that you knew better. Secrets, taboos and mysteries appeal now--however, make sure it is not gossip that has your attention. After a bit of shopping this afternoon, you could join in the activities of friends. This evening is perfect for music, dinner and fun conversations among friends.

Virgo (born August 23 - September 22)
New forms of creativity and self-expression open new avenues for accomplishments. Increased confidence and a more outgoing manner may also be a key to new career opportunities. Your career or life path undergoes change and transformation during this time. Finding your special talent is important and will help you with your life purpose as well as with any transitions you will experience. Look to see if the work or hobby you are involved with at this time will lead you to your expression of that talent. Sharing your special talent is the greatest experience for you. Your support system will encourage you, if you need them. You are able to dispense with some of the unessential things in your life and develop what is most basic and true.

Libra (born September 23 - October 23)
You use subjective rather than objective logic--intuition and gut instinct. Poetry, music and the arts interest you, as do psychology and the psyche. The way to keep your own creativity alive is to value and pay attention to little, almost vague ideas that you get. You find your greatest growth happens when the facts of the moment seem to contradict themselves. This is when you move to the intuitive. Fortunately, you back up your feelings with knowledge, making your problem-solving abilities most powerful. Remove the emotion, not the intuition--look at the facts. This evening you may meet an old friend for dinner. The stuff of gossip fascinates and calls to you from across the void. You hate it, but you love it--there is unrest.

Scorpio (born October 24 - November 21)
Others will follow your lead today. Obtaining and exchanging information takes on an emotional significance now. You could come up with plenty of new ideas for making work run as smoothly as possible. Your intuitive focus at this time is in getting down to business and accomplishing what you set out to accomplish today. Again, as you have learned . . . the greatest growth happens when the facts seem to contradict themselves. You find yourself uninterested in sidetracks--what is not essential. It is easy for you to become so involved with your problem-solving issues today that you can forget about time. The power of organization on a social scale--business, political and such seems to take on greater importance now.

Saggitarius (born November 22 - December 21)
This is a great time to be with others and to work together. Everything points to your taking the initiative with the work you do just now. You will find yourself coming up with all sorts of beneficial ideas to improve your work. This could mean a new advertising strategy or new sales approach. A period emphasizing an enhanced sense of personal possibility and potential has just begun. There is a lot of psychological growth now. This can lead to great personal success if you follow through with it. You might also find, however, that you will put on the pounds if you are not careful. At home or in your own artistic expression, you gain recognition. You could find that you are appreciated for your ability to follow through and try out new ideas.

Capricorn (born December 22 - January 19)
Non-creative situations such as busy work schedules, operating procedures, corporate deadlines, reports, quotas, etc., can stunt your creative growth--so to speak. Allow yourself part of the day to have freedom of expression. Do this in reports, presentations or even the suggestion box. You are in the mood to seek the right solution for all when it comes to problem solving you can use your creative abilities. You have a love affair going with the mind and value all of its’ offspring: words, ideas, thoughts and such. You love to talk and may find yourself in several good conversations around the dinner table with friends tonight. These stimulating mental adventures are most exciting for you and can create ideas for plays, stories and poetry.

Aquarius (born January 20 - February 18)
If you do not become carried away by other people’s foolish ideas, you will be able to insert some positive, commonsense alternatives to projects that may need saving today. You and a co-worker may decide to prepare for some presentation together. This could help you to practice techniques without running the risk of embarrassing mistakes. Connecting with others through an attitude of teamwork will make for profitable results. Your enthusiasm and drive could become catching. You encourage others by pointing out the good points they have and the positive contributions they make in group situations. You will feel real harmony this afternoon from those around you. Music or perhaps dancing, can be quite a lot of fun this evening.

Pisces (born February 19 - March 20)
Active listening is the important part of this morning. You aim to establish good working relationships with co-workers and the ability to solve problems quickly as well as gaining the respect of others is a great accomplishment. You gain mutual trust and cooperation. You are powerfully motivated, even driven and there may be a tendency to be impulsive today. Innovations--new and possibly unconventional approaches to being productive or making money--are in order now. Your response to life is becoming more original and innovative. You look to home and family for support and encouragement. Security and having roots is important to your productivity now. A mini shopping spree for some new holiday clothes is in order this evening.

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