Sunday, November 19, 2006

AQUARIUS (born between January 20 - February18)

Being the eleventh sign of the zodiac, you have a broad outlook and human understanding. You are outspoken, social, intelligent, and you possess good retentive power. You are also shrewd, clever headed you have your own way of thinking and doing things and you carry out your works according to your own discretion. You will not hesitate to do any unusual or irregular thing even if you consider to be morally upright. Your sense of dressing and the taste of clothing would be something different and you not like to imitate others. You have your individuality, mannerism peculiarity and your own specialty. You are often far ahead with fresh ideas and schemes. You generate new ideas and at times act in a way which shows that the laws are not made for you, which means you over act and your actions are beyond anything bodys imagination. You develop good intuition and mental will prefer to go for deep meditation and good concentration.

Physical Appearance
You are middle stature strong person and have broad shoulder and large Bones with a little amount of grace and your physical appearance is quite Striking. Quite of you possess high cheeks and a peculiar winning smile.

You have an alert mind, and are keen to acquire more knowledge. You have striking intuitive and psychic powers. You possess a strong will power, and are hard working. You are fond of solitude, and are patient and persevering in your efforts. You are religious and philosophical. You see religion and philosophy as a manifestation of beauty and harmony, a means of universal love and service to mankind. You have a logical mind, and would do well to be guided by your own intuition and reasoning rather than that of others in arriving at decisions. You are kind hearted, original, simple, energetic and systematic. You are honest to your friends and enjoy enormous respect in your group.
Profession and Career
Since you a scientific bent of mind the profession and career best suited for you are Finance, Marketing, Administration, Writing, Physiologists, Acting , and you excel Well when you are given the chance to handle most difficult situation or posts .You are also excellent when it comes to public dealing and can speak well in public Meetings. You do well as Leaders, Managers and Bosses.

Business and Finances
You are not so keen on building your bank balance, yet you do save money, which you are inclined to use for the benefit of the public at large. You have a strong desire to possess a second house, such as a country home. You are fond of traveling, but one of these journeys will be the cause of financial reverses or loss in social position. You have very good relations with your servants and employees. But you should be careful that the latter do not cause you any financial harm.

Ideal Match
Gemini, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Romance and Marriage
Your domestic life is usually gets disturbed when you tend to lose your mental balance .Your love affairs will have a strong intellectual and artistic bias. Since you are very idealistic, you will have to be adaptable in your matrimonial relationship, even if you find that your partner does not come up to your standard. Your spouse will have an artistic temperament but is likely to be proud and imperious.

Health and Disease
You suffer from high blood pressure, hardening of arteries and Circulatory problems. Your sign rules nervous and lymphatic systems the ankles, calves of the legs, and throat, lungs, heart. You have a strong Constitution, but are liable to fall ill suddenly, and such illnesses affect your nervous system. Precautions should also be taken against infectious diseases. You have a tendency to put on weight if you are not careful. You are also Prone to sinus and bladder infections, varicose veins and cramps in lower legs.

Since you are over sensitive, your feelings are easily hurt .You often tend to loose control of yourself and do undesirable acts or things which you regret later. Though you are quite social yet you suffer from loneliness at times. In personal life you often indulge in lovely romantic affairs or extra marital affairs which make your married life unhappy.

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